10 steps to achieve any goal

If you’re like most people, you’ve already let your new year’s commitments fall by the wayside.

You didn’t want to, yet you’ve given up on those goals. What happened? My guess it’s that you really actually wanted to achieve those goals – you just didn’t know how to set yourself up for success. Do you want to dust off those goals and try again? I’ve got the steps to help you succeed this time. Here they are…

1. Be specific

This may sound obvious but unless you know specifically what you want, how can you achieve it? The more details, numbers, dates you can get clear on, the better. You need a very clear focus of what you do want in order to receive it.

2. Write it down

This is one technique that sorts out the people who succeed and the people who fail. We are constantly reminded how important it is to write down your goals yet very few of us do it. According to research you are 95% more likely to achieve your goal if it is written down. Enough said. Do it! And, if you passed over my free goal companion above, I highly recommend going back up and getting it as it will make this process so much easier for you.

3. Find your why

If you try and achieve a goal that you don’t truly know why you’re driving toward it, your subconscious mind will not allow you to achieve it. Instead, you’ll find all the reasons and excuses not to do the very things that will move you closer to your goal. You’ll only succeed in tearing yourself up inside. Get clear on your why and write it down, too.

4. Set a deadline

Have you ever made a plan for “someday”? Me too! And, just like you, I’ve learned that someday never comes, because I fill in my time with everything else. To accomplish your goal, you need to set a deadline. Be realistic. You’re not going to run a marathon overnight; however, you can set that deadline and then start working toward it today. As Napoleon Hill says, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

5. Set reachable milestones

If you have really big goals, the way you achieve them is to think big. However sometimes you need to break it down into smaller intermediate goals. It makes it easier for you to believe it’s possible and it helps you organize yourself in a short, medium and long term plan.

6. Identify sacrifices

When we know the trade-offs up front, we won’t be surprised when they come up along the way. We can then acknowledge the sacrifice and keep moving forward.

7. Find someone to hold you accountable

Few of us are good at sticking to a goal without someone helping us along the way. Who is someone that will keep you motivated, call bs when you have excuses, and help you progress toward your goal? That’s the person you want by your side on this journey.

8. Check in with your partner

Sometimes we find our accountability partner and we forget to let them know that we’ve started working toward our goal or we’re embarrassed that we need help. That’s why we asked them to be our partner in the first place. They want to be there for us. They’re expecting to help us, so check in with them and ask for help.

9. Reward yourself

Every Time you have some success make sure you reward yourself. It will help keep the desire and enthusiasm burning. It will also tell your subconscious mind you’re achieving your goals.

10. Fill in the success meter

If you’re like me, you like to visualize your progress. Create some tracker and check off each step you complete toward your goal. You’ll be happy you did.

Ultimately the only person who can stop you from achieving your goals is YOU. Fear and self doubt are common enemies but are only created in your mind. You must stay focused on what you want. These steps can help you do that.

Work with me

I’m passionate about goal setting and goal getting. I’ve seen big things happen in my own life and the lives of others by giving our dreams deadlines. Click here and set up a time to talk about your dreams today.

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