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Empowering Voices: How to Be the Rock for Your Friend in Times of Doubt

In a world where self-doubt can creep into even the most confident minds, being a supportive friend can make all the difference. The other day, I saw this quote, “Be the voice your friend hears when she questions her worth,” and it resonated deeply, highlighting the influential role we can play in each other’s lives, especially as women. It’s about lifting each other up, being a source of strength, and reminding our friends of their inherent value when they most need it. GET MY VISION COMPANION Understanding the Impact of Your Voice As women, we often face unique challenges that

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The Art of the Career Pivot

Feeling stuck is the first step towards moving forward. Discover the art of pivoting your career with grace. In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, it’s common to feel as though you’re stuck in a career rut. Whether you’re yearning for more meaningful work, seeking better work-life balance, or simply desiring a new challenge, a career pivot can be the key to unlocking your potential and finding fulfillment. As a women’s leadership coach specializing in guiding groups through career changes, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of a well-executed career pivot. Here’s how you can embrace this journey with confidence

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Want to Stand Out in Your Industry? Here’s How

In today’s competitive world, standing out in your industry is critical to achieving your professional aspirations. One of the most effective strategies to distinguish yourself is by building a robust personal brand and positioning yourself as a leader in your field. Here are some actionable tips to help you build your personal brand and establish your leadership presence. GET MY VISION COMPANION 1. Identify Your Unique Value Proposition Your unique value proposition is what sets you apart from others in your industry. It highlights your skills, experiences, and characteristics that make you uniquely qualified. Start by asking yourself: What am

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Are You Ready to Take Your Career to the Next Level but Don’t Know Where to Start?

Navigating the complexities of career advancement can be overwhelming, especially for women leaders who often juggle multiple responsibilities both inside and outside the workplace. GET MY GOAL COMPANION However, creating a clear career path and setting realistic goals are critical steps in propelling your career forward. I have been working with women on their career paths over the last 12 years, both as a leader myself and now as a coach, so I understand the confusion about where to start. I want to begin by delving into the importance of having a well-defined career plan and provide actionable strategies to

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Bringing Your Values into the Workplace: For Women Executives

The other day, I coached a group of executive women who wanted to do a deep dive into their values and then discuss how to incorporate more of their values into their workplaces. GET MY VISION COMPANION They all understand the profound impact that aligning personal values with workplace culture can have on both individual fulfillment and organizational success. They shared that bringing their values into the workplace not only would enhance their own sense of purpose – it would also foster a more inclusive, productive, and engaged environment for everyone. Here are the ideas that surfaced for them during

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Ensuring Your Values Align with Your Future Employer

Finding a job that aligns with your personal values is crucial for long-term satisfaction and career growth. As a women’s leadership coach, I have seen countless women thrive when they find roles that resonate with their core beliefs. Last week in my new Career Clarity Mastermind, we talked about all things values. Here are some strategies that we discussed to ensure your values align with your future employer during your job search. GET MY GOAL COMPANION Reflect on Your Core Values Before you start applying for jobs, take time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Consider aspects like

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Embracing Change: How to Let Go of Your Dream Career and Find a New One After Being Laid Off or Fired

In today’s fast-paced world, job security can sometimes feel like a distant dream. Whether it’s due to economic downturns, company restructuring, or other unforeseen circumstances, being laid off or fired is a reality many face. For those who have invested time, passion, and energy into their dream career, this experience can be particularly jarring. However, it’s important to remember that the end of one journey can be the beginning of another. Here’s how you can let go of your previous dream job and find a new one. GET MY VISION COMPANION Allow Yourself to Grieve Losing a job, especially one

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Crafting Your Personal Operating Manual: A Guide for Women Leaders

A few years ago, I was introduced to the idea of creating a personal operating manual by one of my clients. This client read an article and created her own manual with her team and then they all shared their manuals with each other. When my client landed in her new workplace, she shared her manual and quickly felt silly, because the idea was so foreign to her boss, peers and team. If she had to do it all over again, she would have created (or updated) her manual at the same time as her team created theirs. The personal

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Making Farewell Meaningful

With the end of the school year upon many of us, I wanted to talk about endings and farewells. I haven’t seen many people end well and wonder at what point we learned to slink away, instead of showing up and creating the best ending possible. Whether you have a last day on a job or last session of a coaching engagement coming up, I hope you know that it holds profound significance. It’s a culmination of your journey, a moment to honor the path you’ve traversed, and an opportunity to set the stage for what comes next. Here’s how

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Navigating Change: A Guide for Women Leaders to Empower Their Teams

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, change is a constant companion… …and more and more women I coach are asking the question about how to help their teams navigate change. While change propels us forward, challenging us to grow and adapt, it also brings about endings and the necessity to grieve them. For women in leadership roles, guiding teams through the ebbs and flows of change demands not only strategic foresight; it also requires emotional intelligence. Below are insights surfaced through my coaching on how women leaders can empower their teams to navigate change, with a special emphasis

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Unlocking Potential: The Power of Women’s Masterminds in Leadership

In the dynamic world of leadership, women bring unique perspectives and strengths that are essential to innovative and inclusive decision-making processes. GET MY VISION COMPANION However, navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities of leadership roles can sometimes feel isolating for women leaders. This is where the magic of women’s peer groups and masterminds come into play. These groups offer a space for connection, growth, and empowerment that can significantly enhance both personal and professional development. Here are some of the key benefits of being part of a women’s mastermind for leaders. Shared Experiences, Shared Strength One of the most

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Navigating the Grey Area of Drinking: A Guide for Women Leaders

It’s a big week for me as I celebrate three years sober and the third anniversary of my stroke. I’ve done a lot of reflecting lately on how different my life is now compared to just a few years ago or even when I was in the c-suite and drinking all the time. I wouldn’t consider myself an alcoholic or an addict, yet my drinking wasn’t allowing me to live a vibrant and fulfilling life. I understand the pressures and responsibilities that women leaders face and the constant messaging we get to turn to alcohol or “mommy juice” to soothe

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Mastering Financial Wellness: A Guide for Women Leaders

In a world where the discourse around wealth and financial independence is gaining momentum, women leaders are finding themselves at the forefront of pioneering change. GET MY VISION COMPANION However, one crucial aspect often remains a challenge for many—talking about financial wellness. I led a discussion on this topic the other day and several women admitted at the outset that they were scared about this topic. By the end, they were grateful that we journeyed down this road together. Here’s how to get comfortable with this conversation. Understand Your Financial Picture The first step toward feeling confident talking about financial

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Empowering Your Team with Responsibility: A Leadership Guide

In the realm of women’s leadership, one of the most profound challenges we face is how to effectively delegate responsibility to our teams. GET MY GOAL COMPANION The tightrope walk of ensuring tasks are completed to a high standard, while also fostering an environment where team members feel trusted and empowered, can often feel daunting. However, when navigated correctly, the act of delegation not only enhances the quality of work; it also solidifies your reputation as a leader who nurtures growth and autonomy. In one of my recent mastermind groups, a leader was looking for strategies to help her give

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Unlocking Potential: The Power of Women Knowing Their Strengths

In a world that is increasingly acknowledging the importance of diversity and inclusion, the empowerment of women in leadership roles has never been more crucial. As a women’s leadership coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power that knowledge of your strengths can have on your career trajectory and overall life satisfaction. Understanding and leveraging your strengths is not just about personal growth; it’s about contributing to a broader societal change that values diverse leadership styles and perspectives. GET MY VISION COMPANION The Foundation of Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal development. For women, knowing our strengths offers a foundation

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Navigating the Terrain: Finding Common Ground with a Difficult Peer

In any professional journey, encountering difficult peers is almost inevitable. Whether it’s a clash of personalities, diverging work styles, or simply a misunderstanding that has snowballed, these challenges can significantly impact your productivity and workplace harmony. Recently, I was coaching a woman who has been a leader in her organization for 15 years and suddenly her newly promoted peer started questioning every decision she made. She doesn’t want to be seen as unable to work with this peer and needed help. Through coaching, a number of ideas surfaced to help her navigate this challenging relationship. Here are some strategies she

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Embarking on a New Chapter: Tips for Women Starting a New Position

Starting a new position can be an exhilarating yet daunting experience, especially for women striving to carve out their place in leadership roles. As you stand on the precipice of this new chapter, it’s crucial to approach it with both confidence and strategy. I have a number of women promoting into new positions and I’m thrilled to be on this journey with them. Often in this transition season, I’m asked “How do I start this position well?” I thought I would tackle this question this week. Here are some invaluable tips to help you navigate and thrive in your new

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Navigating the Difficult Waters: Tips for Women Leaders on Conducting Layoffs with Compassion and Professionalism

As a women’s leadership coach, I understand that one of the most challenging aspects of leadership is navigating through the difficult process of layoffs. It’s an experience that can be emotionally taxing for both the person delivering the news and the employee receiving it. Handling layoffs with compassion, empathy, and professionalism can significantly impact all parties involved. I’ve coached several groups of women on this topic, and I thought I would share some of their best recommendations for conducing layoffs. GET MY GOAL COMPANION 1. Preparation is Key Before initiating the conversation, ensure you are well-prepared. This means understanding the

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The Art of Collaborative Leadership: Navigating Peer Dynamics with Grace and Strength

In the dynamic world of leadership, collaboration stands as a cornerstone of effective management and success. However, navigating the delicate balance between cooperation and ensuring your contributions are valued, rather than taken for granted, can be challenging. This is especially true for women leaders who often face unique workplace dynamics. If you’ve ever felt like your peers are taking advantage of your collaborative spirit, you’re not alone. In a recent group, two women felt hurt, angry and frustrated by colleagues who have been taking advantage of their collaborative spirit. Here are some of the ideas the group came up with

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How to Be an Authentic Leader in a Male-Dominated Workplace

In a world that is gradually breaking away from traditional gender roles, it’s essential for women to take up leadership roles with confidence and authenticity. GET MY GOAL COMPANION The other night, I led a group on the topic of being an authentic leader. During our discussion, I was reminded that the challenge often lies in navigating the unique dynamics of a male-dominated workplace. Here are some strategies that the group shared to help them become authentic leaders in their workplaces. 1. Embrace Your Unique Perspective As a woman in a male-dominated field, you bring a unique perspective to the

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Embracing Self-Love This Valentine’s Day: A Guide for Women

Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love. Coaching in the women’s space and having worked in the c-suite, I know how infrequently we put ourselves first. I thought this Valentine’s Day would be an excellent opportunity to share how to celebrate and honor the most important relationship in your life – the one you have with yourself. Here are some powerful ways to show yourself love this Valentine’s Day. GET MY VISION COMPANION Practice Self-Compassion Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself. Embrace self-compassion by acknowledging your worth, flaws, and imperfections. Treat yourself with the same understanding and

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