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5 Best Ways to Dramatically Increase Productivity

Being productive at work can be challenging. It can be hard to know where to start managing your time in ways that are conducive to your productivity. No matter who you are, it can be a struggle to understand how to structure your time effectively. No matter what you do for work, you need to be on point with how to manage your time. Here are five of the best ways that you can dramatically increase your productivity. GET MY VISION COMPANION 1. Turn Off All Distractions Every time an email pops up on your screen, every time your phone

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This Little Girl is Me

The organization, Inspiring Girls International, has challenged women around the world to participate in a campaign called “This Little Girl Is Me”. I remember reading many amazing posts on LinkedIn last year; however, I was still battling to regain energy after my stroke and I didn’t have it in me to write about myself. This year is different. I truly see the gift of life and am ready to share more about me. This little girl grew up always longing to just fit in. On Guam, she stood out from day one as the largest baby in the hospital nursery.

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5 Habits You Can Start Tomorrow to Become More Successful

Success is extremely subjective. What can seem like success to one person may mean something entirely different to another person. No matter what you consider to be successful, there are some habits that will help you get there. Today, I’m sharing five of those habits that I’ve seen in very successful women I coach. Not only are these habits extremely helpful in becoming successful at work and life, they are also easy to incorporate into your life – so easy, that you can start using them tomorrow if you want. GET MY GOAL COMPANION 1. Wake Up Earlier One of

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4 Things Authentic People Do

I coach a lot of women who long to live authentically. Many of them can identify someone they know who seems to be very genuine and authentic and lives a very happy life. These women aspire to do so as well. Through my coaching, I’ve identified these four things that authentic people do that might help you live more authentically. GET MY GOAL COMPANION 1. They Are in Integrity With Their True Selves: Authentic people are genuine, real, and (mostly) in integrity with themselves. They don’t try to be someone they are not or please people they don’t know. They,

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5 Common Fears and How to Overcome Them

At some point or another, every woman has wondered if they are on the right track and if the work they are pouring their time and energy into is actually going to work out how they hope. The reality is that these fears and doubts are just part of rising up in leadership. As a woman, there will be times when you’re not sure that things will work out. It is in these moments that you need to be able to take a step back and look at the situation, and your thoughts, in a different way. Temporary setbacks and

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3 Strategies to Overcome Overwhelm

As someone who prides herself on getting to inbox zero many Fridays, I was shocked when two women VPs in different coaching groups admitted recently to mass deleting their entire inboxes full of emails to get to inbox zero. The first woman told us that she wanted to share how she found freedom over the last month as she explained that her inbox usually hovered around 300 emails, but then travel started in earnest in the spring and suddenly she no longer had the energy to keep up with her inbox like she did pre-Covid. As a result, her inbox

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5 Important Details For Developing Rapport

I’m often asked how to build credibility with others, whether it’s your new boss or someone you’re hoping to turn into your sponsor. Given this, I thought rapport was a timely topic. In a nutshell, what it takes is to ask questions, have a positive and open attitude, encourage an open exchange of communications (both verbal and unspoken), listen to verbal and observe unspoken communications, and share positive feedback. Here are important details on each step: GET MY GOAL COMPANION 1. Ask Questions Building rapport is similar to interviewing someone for a job opening or it can be like a

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A Little Patience Goes a Long Way

I was coaching a c-suite woman the other day who works for a startup that’s in hyper growth mode. GET MY GOAL COMPANION She told me she is very worried that her relationships at work are too strained. When I asked about the root of the problem, she said everyone seems to want her to slow down; however, she said she barely has time to go to the bathroom during the day let alone stop and say hi to someone. I wondered aloud what some patience toward others might achieve. She looked at me and said, “I don’t feel like

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Energy Boosters

As summer winds down, maybe you’re finding yourself a little fatigued right now. Perhaps that vacation wasn’t quite as refreshing as you hoped it would be or you over scheduled yourself earlier this year not thinking about how much energy each thing would take out of you. If this sounds like you, there are things you can do to give yourself a boost of energy right now. Below are some energy boosters that have worked for me and others over the years. Try them out and figure which ones work for you. GET MY VISION COMPANION 1. Energetic music Different

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Mind of a Champion

How many times have you heard a true champion speak with doubt? How many times have you heard an Olympian say, “It will be a tough competition and we will just have to wait until the event and see how it all works out”? Never, because doubt knocks them out before they even begin. The athletes that are remembered are always those that performed memorably under extreme pressure. I use memorably here because they can either be remembered for choking or rising to the occasion. Anyone who has played competitive sports and gone to playoffs knows that there is a

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Overcoming Performance Anxiety

We all suffer from anxiety at some point or another. Anxiety is just a normal part of everyday life. It can actually be a useful emotion in helping us to cope with stressful situations. There will always be reasons to feel anxious. All ages experience anxiety. Children feel it in school before a test; even young babies feel it when separated from their mothers. Adults have plenty of opportunities to feel anxious whether it is from a job, finances, romance, or due to being self-conscious. I find that often the women I coach have anxiety because they have to do

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Relaxation – Why you need to Relax And Unwind…

Before summer ends, I wanted to talk about relaxation. The longer I’m alive, the more I’ve learned that being able to relax is important to achieving optimal performance and health. Being relaxed can increase our productivity in every area of our lives. If we’re not relaxed, everything we do will be a struggle. Relaxation provides mind-body integration necessary for peak performance. GET MY GOAL COMPANION It is important to relax to get ours mind clear and our bodies tension free. It helps us regain focus and cool down. It also helps return to a balanced physical state. Relaxation is vital

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Self Confidence: Build Yours Today!

I coach an incredible woman who is a leader in cybersecurity for a Fortune 500 company. Her list of accomplishments are a mile long. Equally as long are the accolades others constantly share about her, yet, she came to me because she needed help building her confidence. She felt like she had outgrown her position and was ready to interview for a promotion, but when she talked about her achievements, she was convinced she was not talking about herself. She said it was like having an out-of-body experience. Confidence issues can be brought about by many different reasons and over

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You Are What You Think

“When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience before her and enters into her own image.” Meister Eckhart Do you have any idea what you think about all day? No, really. Have you ever stopped to ponder this? It sounds like a silly question, but most of us don’t actually observe the drama that’s constantly going on inside our heads. I encountered this recently in a way that makes me a little uncomfortable to share; however, I think it makes my point very well.  If you coach with me, you know that when we

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Time Management: Where Does Our Time Go?

Time management is a big concern for a lot of women leaders. I keep hearing, “There are just not enough hours in the day…” or “Where does my time go?” As you turned the calendar page to a new month, did you wonder this yourself? As we emerge out of the pandemic, we’re suddenly inundated by all the things again. One of my clients told me recently that she needed better time management and asked if I could help her.  She shared that she is managing a new team with three new supervisors who need her help learning the business

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10 Tips for Effective Time Management

It’s summer and sometimes it means that our schedules have changed and our kids are home and pulling us in a million different directions. GET MY GOAL COMPANION You’re looking at your to-do list at home and at work and thinking there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done! Here are some ideas to effectively manage your time during these summer months. 1. Clarify your goals and strategy Be very clear about your aims and ambitions, both short and long term. Write them down. Maybe a sit-down family dinner is a goal two or three times

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Top 10 Traits of Highly Successful Women Leaders

These are the women who inspire me! I’ve studied them, and I’ve noticed they have the following traits in common: GET MY VISION COMPANION 1. They work hard! Yes, they play hard, too! They get up early; they rarely complain; they expect performance from others and expect extraordinary performance from themselves. Repeated, high-level success starts with a recognition that hard work pays off. 2. They are incredibly curious and eager to learn. They study, ask questions and read – constantly! While most of them did well in school, they never stop learning and applying what they learn to their present

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Ways to crank up your Creativity

I was coaching a woman the other day who told me that when summer comes, she likes to tap into her creative side. GET MY VISION COMPANION It’s like her creativity hibernates for the winter and finally emerges in the summer. I thought it was funny and decided to follow her in the conversation and it was probably one of the most enlightening coaching sessions I’ve had in a while. Here are some of the things that emerged from our conversation that might be worth giving a try if you need to level-up your creativity right now. 1. Change your

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Winning Coaches Know the Secret of Goal Setting

When asking the majority of people before a contest, whether it is a basketball game or a spelling bee, what they want, they will inevitably say, “I want to WIN.” Who doesn’t? I have yet to meet anyone who competes that says they don’t care if they win as long as they have fun. That was fine when we were six but it isn’t going to cut it now. So, how do we do it, how do we win? The answer that you are looking for may be found in goal setting. Too often as leaders, we overlook this factor

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Why Are You Keeping All the Clutter?

The other day, I couldn’t take it anymore. My daughter’s room was a catastrophe. She no longer folded her clothes nor did she use her closet to store her clothes. Instead, her clothes were unfolded, wrinkled and heaped high in three laundry baskets. The baskets actually could no longer contain their contents and I often found myself tripping over pant legs and socks that were hanging over the sides of the baskets. She told me that her closet was too full.  Instead of cleaning it out, her solution was just to keep the clothes she was wearing at the ready

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