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Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And Life

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?” I was leading a group coaching session the other day with 10 interesting, diverse, and phenomenal women leaders. The subject up for discussion was how “overwhelmed,” beat, tired, and burned-out many of the members were feeling due to the “too much to do / can’t stop now” syndrome. Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?” I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since this feeling tends to feel uncomfortable, if not downright unpleasant, we tend to

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Championing Change: The Role of a Coach in Helping Men Become Better Allies and Sponsors for Women Executives

In the pursuit of gender equality and creating inclusive workplaces, it is crucial for men to step up as allies and sponsors for women. GET MY VISION COMPANION As a women’s leadership coach, I firmly believe that coaching can play a significant role in guiding men on this journey towards becoming effective champions of change which benefits women and this is the reason I decided to continue the discussion. Here are the ways I have helped men grow and change and why I believe this is an area where a women’s coach should be. Building Awareness and Empathy A women’s

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The Power of Sponsorship: Unlocking Success for Women

In the competitive world of business, sponsorship plays a significant role in the career progression of women. Sponsorship takes mentoring a step further by actively advocating for an individual’s advancement within an organization. I have had a number of clients ask me for help finding and securing a sponsor, so I thought I would delve into the concept of sponsorship and explore its immense value for women striving to reach new heights in their careers. I’ll also share how my own (accidental) sponsors are the reason I landed in the c-suite. GET MY GOAL COMPANION Understanding Sponsorship Sponsorship involves an

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Red Flags to Look for When Interviewing

I haven’t dipped my toe into working with another company to provide one-on-one executive coaching services; GET MY VISION COMPANION however, recently, I had a recruiter contact me and ask me to apply to be a coach for a company. The company is a startup that is about a year old and focuses on leadership and executive coaching. I looked up the co-founders on LinkedIn—both are young white men who have never served in the c-suite. I decided to give it a whirl and a few weeks ago I had an interview with the co-founder who is focused on sales.

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Five Powerful Questions a Leader Can Ask To Be A Coach

The other day one of my coaching clients asked me for some questions… …she can use with her staff so that she could pivot from the answer person to helping her staff find the answers on their own. We had such a great discussion. These five questions rose to the top for her and I thought I would share them with you so you can try them as well. To help your staff discover new possible actions or to move them toward their intended objectives, try asking these five powerful questions: GET MY GOAL COMPANION What must happen? What specific,

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5 Emotions That Could Be Stopping You From Leaving a Toxic Workplace Behind

The other day a former colleague (I’ll call her Ashley) reached out to me out of the blue. I had not heard from her for nearly four years. GET MY VISION COMPANION After I left the government, Ashley experienced a toxic workplace and decided she needed to leave and heal. She left government for a while, which she said brought some peace; however, she felt like a “fish out of water”, because she had always worked in government and that was the place she felt most comfortable. Two years ago, she returned to the government in a healthy work environment.

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Overcoming Fear: Lessons From A Courageous Friend

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine from my time in Washington, DC, was in town. I knew she had emigrated from Pakistan; however, I didn’t know everything that she and her family went through to come to the United States. I was so touched by what she shared and the running theme of overcoming so much fear to arrive on US soil when she was eight that I thought I would share some of the takeaways I had from our discussion. It’s natural to experience fear at times. Fear can be triggered by various situations, such as stepping

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Executive Presence: What It Is and Why It Matters for Women Executives

Recently, a number of my coaching clients have desired to level up their executive presence… GET MY VISION COMPANION …so I thought I would share about what executive presence is and why it matters. As a woman executive, you are likely aware of the importance of projecting confidence, authority, and credibility in your role. You may also be familiar with the term “executive presence,” which describes the way in which a leader carries themselves, communicates ideas, and interacts with others in a professional setting. The powerful example of a woman who embodied executive presence throughout her career that I like

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How To Own Your Voice

The other day one of my clients came into the coaching room with a lot more timidness than I’ve seen in her. GET MY GOAL COMPANION The room started to buzz as everyone hopped in and eventually my client said she had something she wanted to shed in the room. She shared how the week before she was in an executive meeting with her 11 peers, all of whom happen to be men. It was her turn to present on the health of the company and as the Chief Revenue Officer this update was her responsibility. She said that every

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Leadership Lessons From Our First Jobs

Recently, with summer approaching, it got me thinking about the teenagers heading off to their first jobs. GET MY VISION COMPANION I remember being a teenager and excited for my first job. Without any formal experience, I had no idea how to land a job. My parents encouraged me to apply as a server at a restaurant where my parents knew one of the managers. I applied and landed an interview with the general manager. I’ll never forget him asking me to sell him a set of salt and pepper shakers, even though he already had nine sets at home.

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5 Benefits of Joining a Women’s Mastermind Group

As more women take on leadership roles in the workplace, the need for support and collaboration is becoming increasingly important. GET MY GOAL COMPANION That’s where women leaders mastermind groups, like the ones I run, come in. My mastermind groups are a table where women leaders come together to help one another achieve their goals through brainstorming, accountability, and support. My groups are specifically designed for women who want to grow as leaders and support one another in their professional journeys. Here are some of the benefits of joining a mastermind group: 1. Accountability One of the key benefits of

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Bravery in Leadership: Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty

As women leaders, we’re often expected to exhibit bravery in our professional and personal lives. GET MY VISION COMPANION We’re expected to be confident, decisive, and unafraid to take risks, or at least not tell people that we’re scared to act. What does it mean to be brave? And how can we find the courage to do what needs to be done, even when we’re afraid? What Does it Mean to Be Brave? Being brave is not the absence of fear; rather, it’s the ability to act despite it. It is the willingness to take risks, to face uncertainty and

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Are You Burning Out?

Burnout is a common phenomenon that can affect anyone, but it disproportionately affects women leaders. GET MY GOAL COMPANION The constant juggling of responsibilities, dealing with high-pressure situations, and being held to unreasonably high expectations can all lead to us feeling overworked, exhausted, and burned out. Burnout is often seen as a rite of passage and we think it has to be the norm for us. Some of us feel that we need to push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion to prove our worth, yet this can be detrimental to us, our teams, and the organizations we lead. I

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How to Stay Positive After A Layoff

Losing your job, no matter what the reason, is never an easy experience. However, a job loss can also be an opportunity for growth and a catalyst to reassessing your career goals. Here are some tips on how to stay positive when faced with a layoff: GET MY VISION COMPANION Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions It is natural to feel sadness and frustration when dealing with job loss. It’s important to take the time to process these emotions and allow yourself to grieve over the loss of your job. This will help you clear your mind and focus on

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7 Simple Steps to Get More Out of Your Day

In one of my group coaching sessions recently, one of the women asked how to have more productive days. GET MY GOAL COMPANION She said that there always is so much to do and she never feels like she’s making progress on anything, because she’s either in a meeting or responding to emails. I thought the steps that others shared were helpful, as did my client, so I thought I would share them with you. 1. Plan your day the night before At the end of each work day write out all the things you need to do the following

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Leading Authentically: How to Show Up as Your True Self

As a woman leader, it’s easy to get caught up in the expectations of others and lose sight of who you truly are. GET MY VISION COMPANION However, authenticity is key to building trust, inspiring others, and achieving success. Here are some strategies for showing up as your true self as a leader: Know Yourself The first step to leading authentically is knowing yourself. Take time to reflect on your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Consider taking a personality assessment (CliftonStrengths is my favorite!) or working with a coach to gain further insight into your leadership style. Embrace Your Unique Perspective

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Finding Work-Life Balance as a Woman Leader: Strategies for Success

As a woman leader, finding work-life balance can be challenging. Whether you’re managing a team, running your own business, or working in a high-pressure corporate environment, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of your career and neglect other areas of your life. However, achieving work-life balance is essential for both your personal and professional wellbeing. Here are some strategies that can help you find success in both areas: GET MY GOAL COMPANION Prioritize Your Health Your physical and mental health should always come first. Make time for regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and stress-reducing activities such as

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Getting Back Up: How to Overcome Failure and Keep Moving Forward

Failure is inevitable in life. Whether it’s a failed relationship, a failed project, or a failed career move, we all experience setbacks at some point. The true test of our character lies not in avoiding failure, but in how we respond to it. Getting back up after falling down can be one of the most difficult things we do. It takes courage, perseverance, and resilience. With the right mindset and these strategies, you can overcome failure and keep moving forward. GET MY VISION COMPANION Acknowledge Your Emotions The first step in getting back up is acknowledging your emotions. It’s natural

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Women Leaders: Helping Each Other Rise

This week, I heard many clients echo the power of their mastermind groups. They described the women in their groups as: empowering, uplifting, successful, supportive, understanding and amazing. I started wondering how many women are still missing out, because they describe the women around them as: selfish, controlling, backstabbing, game-playing, and even “bitchy”. GET MY GOAL COMPANION Women have made significant strides in leadership positions over the years, breaking through barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Despite these advancements, women are still struggling, often at the hands of other women. This is where the importance of women leaders helping each other

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The Burnout Epidemic: Women Leaders and the Cost of Success

As women continue to break barriers and shatter glass ceilings in leadership roles, they are also facing a growing epidemic: burnout. Despite their success, many women leaders are struggling to balance the demands of work and personal life, leading to exhaustion, stress, and even physical illness. Research has shown that women leaders face unique challenges in the workplace that can contribute to burnout. From gender bias and discrimination to imposter syndrome and unrealistic expectations, these factors can take a toll on mental health and overall well-being. GET MY VISION COMPANION The “Double Shift” Phenomenon One major contributor to burnout among

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Women Leaders: Navigating Toxic Work Environments

Women leaders face a unique set of challenges in the workplace. Sadly, one of the most significant obstacles is navigating toxic work environments. These environments can be harmful to anyone; however, women often face additional barriers due to gender bias and discrimination. The other day, I was in a coaching room with a group of c-suite women discussing the topic of burnout. One woman said that burnout and toxic work environments go hand-in-hand for her. Just five months earlier, we saw her get fired from her c-suite job. The immediacy of her job loss came as a shock to her

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