5 Reasons Why Some People Fail To Achieve Their Goals

Maybe you are planning to start a new journey in your life right now,

…something you have always wanted to do but never did before.  You might have also experienced failing to achieve your goals in the past, and now you’re probably asking what could have gone wrong. Those learning experiences have shed light on this phenomenon, and here are five of the known reasons why some people do not see their goals completely realized.

1. Fear of taking risks

These are part of every journey, employment, or activity. They may only differ on the degree they affect you; however, risks are present in anything we do, so it is important that you know how to handle and manage them. Risks should not keep you from moving forward and achieving your goals.

2. Too many goals

Do things one at a time. I remind my clients of this all the time, because they are all over-achievers and want to do all the things. I let them only pick one thing to work on at a time. They often pick the most important task that needs to be done within a specific period of time. If they have difficulty prioritizing, I ask them which goal is most urgent or would make the biggest difference and then they work on that one.

3. Procrastination

You may be surprised to find yourself dragging your feet on something you actually want to complete. I find that my clients who are perfectionists procrastinate because they are afraid to make a mistake. What they really need is to take the first step and get started to combat their perfectionism. If you are a procrastinator, pick your first step and set a 10-minute timer. When the timer goes off, take that step no matter what. You’ll be surprised to find that taking that first step will make the subsequent steps easier to take.

4. Failure to innovate

Today, there are many companies and corporations that shut down because their products are no longer relevant to their market. The same is true with leadership. We can be sidelined if we don’t continue to hone our leadership skills. I recently led a discussion on how to lead different generations. The group of women shared innovative ideas on how lead older and younger generations.

5. Lack of motivation

In most cases, losing your motivation to continue with your goals is the only way to fail. You may still have a lot of resources and other reasons to continue; however, once your drive to accomplish something is gone, that will be the start of your failure to achieve what you longed to do.

Work with me

There’s no other way to achieve your goal than to pull yourself together and face head-on whatever challenge it brings. Sometimes, though, this is easier said than done. If you need a little extra help achieving your goals, I would love to help. Click here and schedule a time to talk.

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