Goals are just a wish until you write them down.

It was the fall semester of my junior year in high school and we had an all-school assembly. I remember over 2,000 students packing into the bleachers in the somewhat steamy gym on a crisp fall day in California. I can’t remember who the guest speaker was that day, but I do remember that he challenged us to turn to the person next to us and say our goal out loud and then to write our goal down as soon as we could locate a pen and paper. I’m always game for a good challenge, so I turned to my friend sitting next to me on the bleachers and told her that my goal was to have a red Jeep by my 17th birthday, which was a few months away. She laughed and said, “Yeah, me too!” I was dead serious. That afternoon, as I wrote down my goal in my neat cursive script, I thought about all the ways I could get this Jeep, which eventually boiled down to figuring out how I could plant this seed in my parents’ minds so that it became as much of a goal for them as it was for me. I wore them down for a few months and eventually my goal came true — I was the proud driver of a red Jeep. While a silly example, perhaps, the lesson of transforming my wish into a goal by writing it down really stuck with me.
I know you’re the type of person who wants to turn your wishes into goals and make them come true. My Free Goal Companion is just the right tool for you. Grab it here:

What wish are you turning into a goal today? I would love for you to share your goals with me at rachel@theleadershipcompanion.com