As we finish the first quarter of 2022, it’s time to check our vision again.
I coach a lot of women who don’t love what they’re doing and they come to me to help them figure out how to find their sweet spot. However, I have one client who absolutely loves what she’s doing. Her parents longed for her to perform, so she spent her childhood on stage in leotards, tutus and ballet slippers dancing so her parents could be happy. She never felt like this was a natural fit for her, though. She’s actually quite shy and much prefers to be alone and think about big topics. She imagined she would be a librarian and be able to curl up in a quiet corner nook with a book or a writer drawing inspiration from an office overlooking a swift-flowing river.
She started her career in a customer service role that sucked the life out of her. She was miserable with the level of engagement she had to have with people, especially with all the negativity. One of her bosses had a human resources (HR) background and was leaving the company to take on a new HR role. She asked if my client was interested in coming along. My client was hesitant as she thought HR would require her to spend a lot of time interacting with people again. She was quite surprised when she ended up loving HR. She always loved learning about people in books, and, in her new recruiting role, she got to learn about them on paper.
She says that an important lesson she learned during her career is to do something she loves to do. She’s found herself talking passionately about her work again. For the first time in her career, she’s excited about what the future holds and she’s dreaming of how to make her visions come true. She says when you do what you love and love what you do, you never look back, only forward to all the possibilities.
Work with me
While no job is perfect, the important thing is to enjoy it, even learn from it. If you are unhappy in your current situation, you can take steps now to change it. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how to do so. Click here and pick a time so we can talk.