Time’s up!

A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Several times in my career, I’ve set deadlines for my goal of landing a new job and made that new position happen. Previously, I shared with you my two-year time frame to land an executive position in the government. Today, I’m going to share with you how I landed my first government job within my one-year goal.

I was a litigation attorney in private practice, billing every six minutes of my life, wondering if this was the life I was destined to live. My patient husband was at home, spending evenings by himself, wondering the same thing. One January, I found myself thinking about what I would do if I wasn’t in private practice. I set my sights on a federal government job as it promised better work-life balance and I didn’t have to take another bar exam to practice in the federal government. I gave myself a year to secure that position. I became focused on researching the application process for the federal government, perfecting my resume and cover letter, and honing my interview skills. I even flew from California to DC and back in 24 hours, just five days before starting a federal court jury trial, to interview for a position that ultimately became my first federal government position. You won’t be surprised that I was offered the job in July, but didn’t start until January, as the position required a top secret clearance and, as with most things in the government, it all goes through a cumbersome process. Almost exactly a year from my goal setting, I started my new job with the federal government. I would never have dedicated so much time and focus to a goal had I not set a deadline to get it done.  

Want some tips on how you can make and achieve your own goals? Grab my Free Goal Companion and make it happen today.

It’s time to stop dreaming and get going on that goal.  What’s your timeframe for achieving your goal?  Write it down!

I would love to hear about your goals.  Share them with me at rachel@theleadershipcompanion.com

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